Well, well, well! Rather quickly a LoTRO Legendary (Progression) server popped up this week, see the news post. A few AL members are checking out this new server, join us!
Orcs must die!
All posts by Archy
A Few Games, Have Fun
What are we up to!? Enjoying a few select titles and then some. Two titles that you are sure to find AL members active in are Warframe and Camelot Unchained Beta (Psst, don’t forget Battle for Azeroth!) . . . oh and that game, crazy people.
As a reminder, you can always find us in our discord server. Come chat and enjoy the summer!
It’s PrimeTime baby! Rift is launching their progression server “Vigil” on 3/7. Look for Afterlife in-game and join us for some classic raiding. Recruitment is open, hit up our discord to join us.