The Afterlife Has Downed Inquisitor Garau!!
Awesome Job Afterlife for downing Garau on 4/10/12 ! We continue to improve and progress through Hk at an amazing rate. I am proud of everyone of you, Keep Up the Awesome Work.

Congratulations Guys & Gals Grug Has been Put Down on 04/02/12! The members we have continue to make me proud every time we raid and downing Grugonim Just proves my faith in you guys is well placed. We Have been clearing content at a remarkable rate and I’m proud of each and every one of the members in the guild for the effort put into progressing. If we all continue putting the effort into to keeping our game faces on and improving every raid like we have been so far I don’t see any reason why we cannot be 11/11 soon.
Well King & Prince Have been Downed on Gnarlwood! Great Job Guys! Everyone that was there did what they were supposed to, tried their best and it ended with King & Prince Slaughtered in no time at all. I’m very proud of the members we have & how fast we have been able to progress through content. I just want to say thank you to everyone in the guild for being so awesome! As I’m writing this we have already killed him again since this screenshot so After two kills I would say that’s official.