Forum Replies Created
04/03/16 @ 5:51 at 5:51 am in reply to: Project 2002 – The Age of Al'Kabor – EQ Emulator Server #4086ianceParticipant
<p>We have seen lots of new faces with the anniversary celebrations going on; Here are some testimonials from our general forums::</p>
<p>– Hsing3r:</p>
<p>Just wanted to say hello all!</p>
<p>I found this server over the weekend while watching Greengrocer’s
stream.</p><p>I am so happy this server exsists!!</p>
<p>Now help me decide something please…</p>
<p>The first night i started i rolled a beastlord because i was just so
damn excited. Green helped me get to lvl 9 quickly and then i decided
to go try to do the ogre bst newbie armor quests and lost faith
quickly.</p><p>I am now thinking i should start a duo out and i know for sure one of
those will be a druid as he will be my go to PLer for future toons and
friends.</p><p>Question is, what do you all feel would be a fun toon to duo with him?
Im not a pro boxxer so ease of use is important. I also am not too
fond of necro’s. Everything else however is on the table.</p><p>I look forward to your responses and cant wait to see you all in game.</p>
<p>While browsing Twitch on Saturday, I came across Greengrocer’s stream
for p2002 and decided I’d give the server a shot. I’d never had the
chance to raid Velious or Luclin and have always wanted to try playing
a beastlord.</p><p>I created Bossk and started exping in Field of Bone. By the time I’d
hit level 4, Greengrocer passed through the zone and spent his time
helping me level with a DS and regen. With his help, I quickly hit
level 9 in the pit and had my first warder. At the end of the session,
Hassling, passed through and gave me a Crystalline Spider Fang and
Greengrocer an Amulet of Insight. Now I was doing some actual damage!</p><p>I began making trips between PoK and Kurn’s. Every time I hit PoK
someone was kind enough to give me buffs to keep the exp flying.</p><p>After I’d leveled past Kurn’s, I began to do the same with Overthere
and then Warslik’s Woods. Last night, Imarogue, was kind enough to let
me join him in Unrest as he mass pulled the zone to get me through 29
and most of 30.</p><p>In four days, I’ve made it through my first hell level and am sitting
at 31. I’ve had interactions with lots of different people and
everyone has been super chill and helpful. I’ve been picking up odds
and ends of gear as I level, have been given a couple of items, and
have saved up 2.4k towards what will be my first real purchase of SCHW
for haste.</p><p>If you’re thinking about giving the server a try, I’m confident you’ll
be blown away by how eager to help the folks on the server are.</p><p>And thanks to all those who have helped my first four days be so
enjoyable (apologies to anyone I’ve forgotten or names I’ve confused):
Greengrocer – for your stream, help with the first 9 levels, and
buying my bone chips for starter plat Hassling – for the Crystalline
Spider Fang Skoris – for the buffs, plat, and Velium Spear Barkles –
for logging off his druid when asked for SoW and regen to log on a
cleric, shaman, and enchanter to buff me Imarogue – for allowing me to
join his pling session in Unrest Nagasin, Coloskin, Meagin, Dubbs, and
the others I’ve forgot who have been eager to assist when asked if I
could snag some buffs.</p><p>It’s been great fun and I’m looking forward to the rest of the
<p>didnt post when I joined about 5 days ago because I wanted to be sure
that this is the place for me. I really appreciate the work being done
here and the laid back attitude of the devs. Its just a game after
all.</p><p>I wanted to sent a thank you to Vincent and Motown who generously
helped me at low level.</p><p>–Tseer:</p>
<p>Just wanted to recognize this community for being friendly and a great
place! People are friendly and helpful and that’s appreciated more
than its said I think. Also, GM Breezy helped me out of a n00b
situation and was extremely prompt, knowledgeable and courteous. Much
thanks!</p><p>Thanks to all the players on P2002 for creating an awesome community ! And on to another year or having a great time!</p>
<p>The celebration quests were a real blast, and the team has promised to come up with more fun events for the next big milestones. Next one coming up is the introduction of Innoruuk and CT (2.0) followed by the release of Cazic Thule (the zone) 2.0 which should hit the live server by Summer!</p>
12/06/15 @ 6:32 at 6:32 am in reply to: Project 2002 – The Age of Al'Kabor – EQ Emulator Server #3844ianceParticipantEQMAC, our “blueprint” server, had a flat 20% experience bonus compared to regular EQ Live servers, there are also additional bonuses for groups larger than 3 people to encourage grouping. Overall experience is going to be a lot faster than in classic EQ.
Additionally, the staff continuously rotates hotzones, to encourage people to level in every zone, and not just the stock “good experience” zones.
Information on Hotzones:
Our FAQ can be found here
If you have any additional questions do not hesitate to post them on our forums. I try to check in on these threads every once in a while but you are more likely to get a fast response when it’s not just me answering your questions! ;)
12/05/15 @ 10:18 at 10:18 am in reply to: Project 2002 – The Age of Al'Kabor – EQ Emulator Server #3836ianceParticipantWe are excited to announce that Velious will be released upon the completion of a Server-Wide event Friday December 18th at 7pm est.
All zones except for Plane of Mischeif will be available for play. PoM will be released mid-year with the later Velious revamps…Cazic Thule zone, PoHate floor two, and Cazic Thule the god and Dracolich.
We will be doing heavy quest testing right up until launch. The database will be completed next week.
Please keep in mind this is essentially a beta release and there most likely will be the occasional bug. This is why we have the forums and with your help we can make the gameplay as accurate as possible.
Thank you for your continued support!
See you there!
08/03/15 @ 11:57 at 11:57 am in reply to: Project 2002 – The Age of Al'Kabor – EQ Emulator Server #3666ianceParticipantSteadily growing. Kunark release brought in a lot of new people, and Velious will bring in even more ! :)
07/23/15 @ 5:57 at 5:57 am in reply to: Project 2002 – The Age of Al'Kabor – EQ Emulator Server #3664ianceParticipantA lot has happened since I have last posted here. Amongst other things, Kunark is released and the work on Velious has begun. I have edited my first post to reflect the changes!