Project 1999

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  • #3544
    Supa Powa

    Hello all my old and new friends. Just to let you know, for those who are interested in having so good old fun during the fun times of classic eq and ROK, I and a few others have rolled some toons on there.

    There are a handful of us old timers from 99-04 who played on with marr. Anyone who wants to come putz around and relive that classic feel are more than welcome.

    Hope to any old members browsing this site come say hi or enjoy some casual play.

    Supax Powax
    Ogre warrior lvl 30
    Project 1999


    You manage to get the guild tag?

    Supa Powa

    Ya, Arch had it and passed it to me.


    I started to D/L EQ Titanium. Hopefully it won’t take to long. The PvE server I’m guessing?


    Meh. I tried. Getting Error 1017 on server log in and no one on the forums seems to know how to fix it. Shame. I was really looking forward to playing too.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Madness.


    I still have a boner for you Madness. So hot right now.

    We are actually all playing on Ragefire live server now… you can just hit up the main EQ website to download the client. No special highjinks needed. Pop into mumble and we can walk ya through it.

    It does cost 15/month… but I could hook you up with a krono if you want to play with us. It is Arch, Supa, me, and some old school Mith Marr players so far.


    The feeling is definitely mutual.
    Yea fuck it. I’ll join. However, it is about 12 hours difference in Korea. Also no Krono needed. But I do demand a Fungus Scaled Tonic. Make that happen.
    Chop, Chop!

    Those are still good for power leveling right?


    Kunark is not out yet. ;) See you in game. We need a hardcore cleric, fyi.



    I might check it out for giggles, though I hardly have time at the moment to play more than occasionally. Is Ragefire as much of a s*** sandwich as everyone is crying about, though?


    Hope you guys are still playing! I was just thinking about EQ and was looking up project1999, got my account created and anxious to play. Decided to see what AL was up to and checked out the page and there is classic EQ on the front page! Hope to meet up with you guys.

    Kulalo Bear / Feona Furryfoot

    Supa Powa

    Hey Kulalo! It’s been a long time, do you still talk to Spry or Smegal? We actually started playing on the new timelock server ‘Ragefire’. It’s currently in classic and has been very fun so far, even has prenerf DE masks.

    I am playing a war and shaman box at the moment, level 42 and 41. We have some old names in the guild that have also made the return. It would be awesome to have you come on over.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Supa Powa.

    I went ahead and created an enchanter (Hemolytic) and cleric (Heemo). I don’t know how much I’ll get a chance to play but I’ll definitely poke y’all.


    Let’s get you tagged in game bud.



    Heyas folks. I just got everything set back up as well. Cyas all in game. Wow, Kulalo, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time. Good to see you still around!

    Not sure exactly what I want to play just yet as a main. Everything seems so different now, just getting used to the UI haha. That’s going to take me a bit to customize, it feels so gaudy to me lol.

    I’m thinking of running a cleric main. I have 4 accounts total so I guess if I get hooked again, I could always activate the other 3.


    Ended up going with the cleric as main, will be bringing along the alt army once I get up to 40s or so.

    With the recent announcement of 3 months to Kunark vote on Ragefire vs 6 months on Lockjaw has there been any discussion as to whether to stay or go when transfers open up?

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