Afterlife Armor Lotto RulesBy ThottThese rules apply to non-god/dragon items of any kind, but primarily to planar armor. BackgroundIf everyone played equally, each item found would be lotto'd and given to someone until everyone present has one item, then any items dropped thereafter would be given in the same order as before. The lotto exists only to determine the initial order, when all those present have the same amount of time invested. Unfortunately, not everyone plays equally. Since in random groupings there is no way of knowing who has spent the most time, each new group starts over from scratch doing random lottos for each item. Since people come and go, sometimes every item is lotto'd across everyone present, even including those that won earlier, since the group composition is now different. Afterlife can do better than this. Theory and PracticeBecause we are not a random collection of people, we can distribute armor in a fair manner, or at least far more fair than a random groups can. To this end we will strive to distribute armor based purely on time invested. It is up to all those of a given class to pay attention, and to know when someone else present has more time invested, and to react accordingly by deferring to the older, in terms of time invested, player. In those cases where it can't be determined who has spent the most time, the item will be lotto'd amongst those with equivalent times. It is up to every player to notice and remember the time spent by others of the same class. Time invested, in every place mentioned above, is time invested per piece of armor gained. If one player has spent more time, but has proportionally more armor, then the two players are equivalent. If two have spent equal time and one has 2 more pieces of armor, the more armored player would stay out of any lottos until both players are equal in armor obtained. Note that this isn't total armor the player is wearing, this is total armor obtained in the same time invested. When comparing two players it's quite likely that one had armor before the other started going to planes, in which case the time invested counts from that point on, ignoring original armor. Completing the SetIn any case where the time per armor piece is equivalent, and one person has more armor than another, the lesser equipped person should stay out. This is necessary because as a player gets more armor, the chances of finding the remaining pieces becomes smaller and smaller. Note that this is only true when the time invested is equivalent or near equivalent. Multiple CharactersIf a player has more than one character that gets armor in a plane, they may win items for either character. The same rules apply as above, with armor for both characters counting. |