Rallos Zek, The Rathe, Plane of Time trials...some events are just too difficult when they're first created.  Yet for every event that's too hard, there's an event that's too easy.  Here are two:

;tell mithaniel.Pewin is Vanazir, Dreamer's Despair good?

[Mon May 19 23:29:08 2003] --Jenamdar has looted a Ring of Evasion.--
[Mon May 19 23:37:07 2003] Kaganos tells the guild, 'Jen dead'
[Mon May 19 23:37:20 2003] Jenamdar tells the guild, 'ring didn't work'

While most of the new modifiers we're still testing, and we'll probably always be guessing on since the effects are hard to measure, Spell Shield +25 is easy: it absorbs 25 points of spell damage from every nuke taken.  My new goal: Spell Shield +20000.

After killing Afterlife three times, I can't help but grin. On the inside.

Previous Update (Plane of Time: Invaded)