Drop probabilities for treasure class "mele33"

Items in this TC: Barbed Club (qlvl 32), Battle Dart (qlvl 31), Burnt Wand (qlvl 31), Glowing Orb (qlvl 32), Great Maul (qlvl 32), Great Sword (qlvl 33), Hatchet (qlvl 31), Lochaber Axe (qlvl 33), Poignard (qlvl 31), Rancid Gas Potion (qlvl 32), Rune Scepter (qlvl 31), War Spear (qlvl 33), Wrist Spike (qlvl 32)

MonsterDrop chance
The Smith (Nightmare) 5.60123%
Griswold (Nightmare) 5.60123%
The Smith (Hell) 4.51039%
Griswold (Hell) 4.51039%